Embu County Laboratory services

To provide accurate, reliable and timely Laboratory Services to our clients.

Quality is key

Embu County, located in the eastern part of Kenya, offers a range of laboratory services through its healthcare facilities. These services play a crucial role in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of various health conditions, contributing significantly to the overall healthcare system in the region.

Key Facilities and Infrastructure

The county boasts several healthcare facilities equipped with laboratories, including the Embu County Referral Hospital, which is the primary healthcare provider in the area. These facilities are staffed with trained laboratory technicians and technologists who ensure accurate and reliable diagnostic services.


Microbiology plays a key role in diagnosing and treating infectious diseases. Relevant samples from tissue, body fluids (blood, urine, faeces, CSF, abscesses, ascites, pleural fluid) are analysed to identify micro-organisms; bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses. Tests include cultures and microscopy. Molecular and PCR testing methods are highly sensitive and can detect and quantify DNA from micro-organisms. The sensitivity of micro-organisms to therapies (e.g. antibiotics, anti-virals, anti-TB medication) can be tested, for which can detect resistance and inform treatment decisions.

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The immune system produces antibodies in response to infection, inflammation and in autoimmune diseases. The presence of antibodies to specific organisms (viral/bacterial) can indicate current and/or previous infection or vaccination. In autoimmune conditions the body produces ‘an immune reaction’ to its own organs. Laboratory tests are important in diagnosing these conditions.

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Blood Transfusion Section

Blood transfusions are a therapeutic measure used to restore blood or plasma volume after extensive hemorrhage, burns, or trauma; to increase the number and concentration of red blood cells in persons with anemia in order to improve the oxygen-carrying capacity of their blood; and to treat shock

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Laboratory hematology involves testing for disorders of the blood and bone marrow. Automated analyzers count the number of blood cells; in particular red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The shape, size and relationship of cells to each other is assessed by studying the peripheral blood film under the microscope. Abnormal inclusions such as malaria parasites are also looked for. Haematology tests are key in diagnosing a wide range of benign and malignant diseases such as anaemia, thalassemia, sickle cell disease, leukemia, aplastic anaemia. Coagulation tests measure the blood’s ability to clot, and how long it takes to clot. These tests are important in assessing risk of excessive bleeding or developing thrombosis (blood clot

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Embu County offers histology and cytology services through its main referral hospital (EL5HL). Our laboratory is staffed with highly experienced histologists and cytologists who use the latest Techniques and other staining techniques for accurate results. We provide a full range of services, from routine diagnostics to testing, with a patient-centered approach to ensure optimal outcomes.

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Clinical Biochemistry

Biochemistry Clinical chemistry (also known as chemical pathology) extends across most medical specialities and involves the biochemical investigation of bodily fluids (blood – whole blood, serum or plasma; urine; cerebrospinal fluid; and other fluids such as effusions, seminal fluid, sweat and amniotic fluid). Clinicians rely on this essential information to aid diagnosis as well as management and follow-up of patients. Our fully automated analysers ensure efficient turn-around-times (2 hours for urgent requests and same day for routines). All analyses are enrolled to internal and external quality control schemes with over 400 laboratory participants. This ensures that we only give quality and accurate results to patients. Our expert team provides interpretation and discussion of results when required. The Clinical Chemistry laboratory provides routine and state of the art specialized assays for patient care.

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FULL HAEMOGRAM FHG2 HRS 4ml of whole blood in EDTA( Purple Top)Reach the lab within 1 hour of collection
HB20 min4ml of whole blood in EDTA( Purple Top)Reach the lab within 1 hour of collection
ESR2 HRS4ml of whole blood in EDTA ( Purple Top)Reach the lab within 1 hour of collection
PBF24HRS4ml of whole blood in EDTA ( Purple Top)Reach the lab within 1 hour of collection
Sickling test24 HRS4ml of whole blood in EDTA        ( Purple Top)
LFTS4 HRS4ml of  blood in plain bottle ( Red Tops)Dark Covered 
UREA/ELECTROLYTES4 HRS4ml of  blood in plain bottle ( Red Tops)
BILIRUBIN/TOTAL DIRECT4 HRS 4ml of  blood in plain bottle ( Red Tops)Needs to be covered with a black cover  
PREGNANCY TEST (URINE)30 minClean universal bottleN/A
LIPID PROFILE1 hour4ml of whole blood in EDTA ( Purple Top)Patients’ needs to fast before test is run.
HBA1C1 hour4ml of whole blood in EDTA( Purple Top)N/A
BLOOD SUGAR20 MIN.Finger prickN/A unless FBS is needed
HIV Rapid Antibody test1 HRSFinger prickN/A
CD4/CD4%24HRSEDTA( Purple Top) or CD4 stabilizer tubesN/A
Viral loadUp to 3 weeksDBSN/A
HEPATITIS B SURFACE ANTIGEN   (HBsAg)2 HRS 4ml of  blood in plain bottle( Red Tops)N/A
RHEUMATOID  FACTOR2 HRS4ml of  blood in plain bottle( Red Tops)N/A
VDRL2HRS4ml of  blood in plain bottle( Red Tops)N/A
ASOT TEST2 HRS4ml of  blood in plain bottle( Red Tops)N/A
HCV2 HRS4ml of  blood in plain bottle( Red Tops)N/A
Urinalysis1  HRSClean universal bottleN/A
HVS-Wet Prep +Gram Stain1 HRSSterile swabN/A
 cultures3-5daysSterile containerN/A
Sputum for Gene Expert24 hrs Sterile Container atleast 2mlsSpecimen should be free of food particles


BLOOD GROUPING 20min2ml of whole blood in plain bottleN/A
DTEST 2 HRS2ml of whole blood in plain bottleN/A
ICT 2 HRS2ml of whole blood in plain bottleN/A
DCT 2 HRS2ml of whole blood in plain bottleN/A
CROSSMATCH 2 HRS2ml of whole blood in plain bottleN/A


PAP SMEAR              10 daysPap kitN/A
FNA             10 daysSterile container with formalinN/A
 Histology & Cytology 10 days Sample ContainerN/A
B/S FOR MPS1 HRSBlood slide smearN/A
HB20 min4ml of  blood in EDTA (Purple Tops)N/A
U/E/CR4 HRS4ml of  blood in plain bottle( Red Tops)N/A
LFTS/BILIRUBIN4 HRS4ml of blood in plain bottle( Red Tops)
CSF (analysis)preliminary Results1 HR2ml   CSF in  sterile bijou bottleN/A
CROSSMATCH            2 HRS4ml of clotted blood in plain bottle/ ( Red Tops)N/A
Pregnancy Diagnostic Test  30 minClean universal bottle Random urine sample,N/A
REFERRAL SAMPLES  (Internal and External ) 
AAFB CULTURE8 WEEKSSputum in a sputum culture bottle 2MLN/A
Thyroid Function Test 2 DAYS 4ml of  blood in plain bottle( Red Tops)N/A
Prostrate Specific Antigen2  DAYS 4ml of  blood in plain bottle( Red Tops)N/A
Bone Marrow Aspirate 2 Weeks EDTA (PURPLE VACUTAINER)N/A
Biopsy for Histology4 WeeksIN 10% Formal salineN/A
Blood for hormone analysis2 Weeks4ml of  blood in plain bottle( Red Tops)N/A
Blood for Cardiac Enzymes2days4ml of  blood in plain bottle( Red Tops)N/A

  • Embu, Kenya
  • P.O BOX 33-60100 EMBU

Past Events

FREE MEDICAL CAMP05 Jun 2024Siakago, Kenya
US Based iHOPE International Medical Camp14 Feb 2024Embu Provincial Hospital, B6, Embu, Kenya